Diabetes types and treatments

 Diabetes is a disorder that affects the capacity of the body to treat blood glucose, commonly referred to as blood sugar.

Diabetes can lead to the accumulation of blood sugar, which can raise the risk of injury, like stroke and cardiac disease, without constant careful monitoring.

There can be different types of diabetes, and the condition depends on the type of disorder. Not every form of diabetes is due to an overweight condition or being an inactive person. In fact, some people have been present since infancy.

What are the diabetes types :

Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes form three main types of diabetes.

Type I Diabetes: This type is also known as juvenile diabetes occurs in cases where the body is not able to make insulin. People experiencing this type of diabetes are expected to take artificial insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 Diabetes: This type affects the way the body uses insulin. While insulin is released by the body, unlike in type I, the cells in the body don't respond as efficiently. As per the National Diabetes Center, this is the most prevalent type of diabetes, since it has close ties to obesity. it’s also the most common type of diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes: This is the type of diabetes that can become less receptive to insulin in women during their pregnancies. Gestational diabetes is not present in all women and typically recovers after birth.

Monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes are less common forms of diabetes.


People with a range of blood sugars between 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dL) are considered to have prediabetes or borderline diabetes.

Standard blood sugar levels range from 70 mg / dL to 99, whereas fasting blood sugar levels for a person with diabetes are higher than 126 mg / dL.

Blood glucose is greater than average with prediabetes, but not high enough to make up diabetes.

However, persons with prediabetes may develop type 2 diabetes, although they don't normally have complete diabetes symptoms.

Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes risk factors (signs of type 2 diabetes) are similar. They contain:

  • overweight

  • Diabetic family history

  • Cholesterol level with a high density of lipoprotein (HDL) below 40 mg / dL or 50 mg / dL

  • Previous cases of high Blood pressure

  • gestational diabetes or childbirth with more than 9 pounds of birth weight

  • Polycystic Ovarian (PCOS) syndrome history

  • being over 45 years old

  • a sedentary way of life

If one is considered to have prediabetes, a doctor will advise them to improve their health, which will hopefully avoid the development of type 2 diabetes. Losing weight and a healthy diet will also help to avoid the disease.

Insulin problem development

The precise cause of diabetes type I isn't clear to doctors. Type 2 diabetes (also known as insulin resistance) has specific causes.

In the diet of a human, insulin helps glucose to enter cells in the body for energy supplies. c The resistance to insulin is normally triggered by the cycle of the following :

  • A person's genes or environment render them unable to produce enough insulin to offset the amount of glucose they consume.

  • The body attempts to produce more insulin to control blood glucose in excess.

  • The pancreas can not satisfy the demand, and the overall distribution of blood sugar begins in the blood, causing harm.

  • Insulin becomes less efficient over time as glucose is released into cells, while blood sugar levels keep increasing.

Insulin resistance develops progressively in the case of type 2 diabetes. For this reason, doctors also prescribe improvements to the lifestyle to make this cycle slower or reverse.

Diets and exercising tips

When a doctor diagnoses an individual with type 2 diabetes, they are prescribed to make lifestyle modifications to encourage weight loss and better health.

A doctor may recommend a nutritionist for a person with diabetes or prediabetes. A professional may encourage anyone with diabetes to lead and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

The measures a person should take in adopting a diabetes lifestyle include:

  • Taking fresh and nutritious food, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, magnetic protein, low-fat milk, and healthy fat, including nuts.

  • Avoid high-sugar foods that produce calories or calories without any advantages, such as fried foods, sweetened sodas, and high-sugar desserts.

  • Do not drink too much alcohol or take less than one drink a day for women or two drinks a day for men.

  • At least a 30-minute workout every day, for example, walking, hiking, aerobics, biking, or swimming, at least 5 days a week.

  • Recognition of low blood sugar symptoms, including dizziness and fatigue during exercise.

Insulin use

People who have type I diabetes and those who have type 2 diabetes may have to inject or inhale insulin to avoid having too high a blood sugar level.

There are various forms of insulin available, most of which are classified according to how long their effect lasts. Insulins can be intermediate, rapid, long-acting, and regular.

Some people use a continuous injection of long-acting insulin to keep their blood sugar levels steadily stable. Some people may use insulin or a combination of different types of insulin. No matter how a person typically uses a fingerstick to track his or her blood glucose levels.

A special portable machine called a glucometer is used to monitor blood sugar levels. This system requires an individual with Type I diabetes to use blood sugar reading to decide how much insulin he or she needs.

The only way that anyone can track their levels of blood sugar is by self-monitoring. If a person suspects very low glucose and thinks that the amount of some physical symptoms may be harmful, then they need a rapid glucose dose.

How high is the amount of insulin?

Insulin allows diagnosed individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, severe side effects can occur particularly when a person administers too much.

Excessive insulin, or extremely low levels of blood sugar, can cause hypoglyceremia and cause nausea and sweating.

Insulin must be monitored carefully and a balanced diet must be used to control as much as possible the blood sugar level.

Other ways to treat diabetes


A physician may prescribe metformin as a pill or fluid for type 2 diabetes.

It helps to achieve:

  • Blood sugar decrease

  • make insulin more efficient

  • It may also help to lose weight. The effect of diabetes can be minimized by healthy weights.

An individual may also have other health hazards, as well as diabetes, and may need drugs to regulate them. A physician will counsel you on your needs.

Tips for self-monitoring

Blood glucose levels are essential for efficient management of diabetes by helping to control the timing of meals and physical activity and the use of insulin for medications.

While blood glucose (SMBG) self-monitoring machines vary, they usually include a meter and a test strip for reading, and a throw system for pricking the skin for small amounts of blood.

In each case, refer to the individual meter instructions, as machines vary. However, many of the devices on the market are subject to the following precautions and steps:

  • Before touching the test strips or meters, ensure both hands are clean and dry

  • Never use a test strip more than once and hold it in your original body to prevent any changes in external moisture.

  • After checking, keep canisters closed.

  • Always verify the date of expiry.

  • Older meters may need to be coded before use. Verify that the machine currently in the service system requires this.

  • Keep both the meter and strips in a dry and cool place.

  • Take the meter and strips in a consultation to verify their efficacy by a primary care officer or specialist.

A diabetic person uses a device referred to as lancet to stab the tissue. Although some people can suffer from the thought of blood drawing, tossing their finger to get a blood sample ought to be a gentle, quick procedure.

Take steps like these:

  • Clean the region of the sample, soapy warm water, to prevent food contaminants from entering the instrument and distorting the measurement.

  • For maximum comfort, pick a small, thin lancet.

  • The lancet should be profound to monitor the prick's range. Position it for ease.

  • A teardrop-sized blood sample is only required for several meters.

  • Take the blood sample from the finger's side as the pain is minimized within this area. You should feel more relaxed with the middle finger, ring, and little finger

  • Although some meters permit samples from other test sites, including the thighs and upper arms, the fingertips or the exterior palms yield more precise results.

  • Tease blood in a "milking" movement to the surface, rather than squeezing the lancing spot.

  • Arrange lances to get rid of sharp points in compliance with local legislation.

  • It doesn't have to be an awkward phase when recognizing that the self-monitor needs lifestyle changes.

Bottom Line 

Diabetes is a life-changing disease that involves careful control of blood sugar and a balanced lifestyle to treat it properly. Different forms of the disease exist.

Form I happens when there is no insulin in the body. Type 2 occurs when high sugar intake floods glucose blood and reduces insulin production and efficiency.

Artificial insulin may be used by people for controlling and increasing glucose absorption. A person with prediabetes may use daily exercise and a healthy, low-sugar diet to reduce the risk of full diabetes.

How does the menstrual cycle affect weight loss?

 Did you know that your gender can contribute to how you lose weight? The weight loss journey is different for everyone. “During that time of the month” Women experience monthly hormone changes that physically and emotionally affect them. "That time of the month” is another dimension to navigate to be able to thrive if you are a woman trying to lose weight.

The idea that women gain weight during their menstrual cycle is a popular belief. This isn't always the case, however. Water accumulation is the most frequent source of weight gain. Yet weight loss may be attributed to more menstrual problems such as PMS and increased metabolism. Weight changes associated with the period are typically temporary.

What is the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is a process that allows women to reproduce.

It is controlled by many hormonal modifications that prepare the body for the transport of the baby.

An egg ripens in the ovary during each cycle and is released in the mid-cycle. The thickness of the lining of the uterus increases if the egg is fertilized.

If your egg is not fertilized, it is your time to remove the uterus lining.

The majority of women have cycles lasting between 26 to 35 days. This is the length of time between the first two consecutive cycles.

The typical duration of menstruation takes 5 days, but it can differ from one individual to another and from month to month.

What is PMS

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), is a mixture of symptoms many women develop approximately a week or two prior to their periods.

The premenstrual syndrome involves a variety of signs which can impact your weight. Gastrointestinal pain is included in the symptoms. You may have a food appetite, but other symptoms may include fatigue and headaches which may lead you to skip food.

How PMS affects weight loss

The menstrual cycle does not appear to impact the gain or loss of weight. However, ‘been at that time of the month’ can have another impact on your weight. Many women are affected by PMS. PMS may cause you to consume sweeter or salty foods more than normal. Such additional calorie intake may contribute to an increased weight because salt directs the body to hold more water which in turn increases the body's weight (but not fat).

Even if your menstrual cycle does not cause weight gain or loss, your menstrual cycle will be affected by weight loss or gain. Women who tend to lose too much weight or lose weight too fast can stop having periods or have irregular periods. 

There are also odd intervals for women with obesity. Good health is signaled by a regular menstrual cycle. A healthy weight can aid women with irregular periods have more regular cycles. 

The menstrual cycles of a woman are powered by hormones that fluctuate and are not always involved in PMS. The pituitary gland releases hormones (stimulation hormones and follicle hormones) to facilitate your ovulation.

At the start of your cycle, the corpus luteum is used to manufacture estrogens and progesterone, which make up a nutrient-rich blood lining to help the ovum survive.  corpus luteum is a cell group reared from your ovary and released after the ovum has been released. This is your monthly guest (you know it!) in cases where the ovum is not fertilized.

How long does it last?

PMS tends to occur a few days before or after bleeding and cease once menstruation has taken place.

Medical professionals may diagnose individuals with PMS if:

  • The individual has at least three cycles in a row a pattern of symptoms five days before their period

  • Symptoms stop within 4 days after the beginning of their menstruation.

  • The symptoms interfere with your daily job

Bottom Line

Over the entire menstrual cycle, hormonal variations can affect a person's appetite. In the days leading up to “that time of the month”, particularly people can experience food cravings.

Women may also feel bloated and retain more water giving the impression of gaining weight.

Several steps may be taken over a time to avoid weight gain. Throughout the cycle, an individual should practice healthy eating. This means eating less salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, and saving low-calorie snacks to fulfill nutritional needs. Moreover, supplements of magnesium can help to relieve PMS bloat and other symptoms.

Why Eggs Are a Killer Weight Loss Food

 Eggs can offer many health benefits as part of a healthy diet. Research has shown that consuming eggs can also help with weight loss.

Eggs are protein-rich, calorie-low, and can improve metabolism.

Throughout this article we explain how we should use eggs, including when to consume, and how to prepare eggs for weight loss.

Is eating eggs good for weight loss?

Eggs have low calories and are nutritional


There are 78 calories in a large hard-boiled egg and many essential nutrients, including:

  • Antioxidants to encourage good eyesight are lutein and zeaxanthin

  • Promote bone health and immune function because of vitamin D found in its yolk

  • choline that stimulates and contributes to the growth of fetal brains

A reduction in calorie consumption, and adding eggs to a diet, could be the best way to lose weight.

Eggs are diets high in protein

Protein helps to minimize the weight because it is highly processed and eggs are a good protein source with a large egg supplying around 6 grams ( g).

The dietary protein intake is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight.

That is to say:

the average man who needs 56 g of protein a day

The sedentary average woman needs 46 g Protein a day

Two large eggs represent therefore over 25% of the daily average protein needs of women sedentaries, and more than 20% of the combined needs of men sedentaries.

There have been some studies that consuming a breakfast rich in protein improves the satiety of a human, the fullness of a feeling. Furthermore, the results suggest that a breakfast rich in protein decreases the consumption of calories during the day.

Eggs can improve metabolism

The ingestion of a high-protein diet will increase metabolism through a mechanism called the thermal effect of food. It occurs because the body needs additional calories for digestion and nutrients found in foods.

All nine basic amino acids are found in one egg. These amino acids are important to your workout and play a key role in metabolism of energy. Amino acids present in proteins are something without which we can not survive and essentially power all of our cells in the production of protein and in the energy process. Weight gain and loss is a vital metabolism product, depending on the availability of amino acids in the body.

Carbohydrates and fats are also capable of improving  the metabolism but are less effective than protein.

Eating eggs and other protein-friendly foods can indeed help people consume more calories than consuming carbohydrates or fats.

Eggs have nutrients that can improve the functioning of the thyroid.

The synthesis of thyroid hormone is based on iodine and selenium, both present in large quantities of eggs. And the thyroid is a vital organ for weight control as it controls the metabolism of the body.

When to eat eggs for weight loss purposes

When an individual is eating them for breakfast, eggs can be particularly helpful for weight loss.


A variety of studies have compared the impact of consuming eggs in the morning to consuming the same calorie in other breakfasts.

Many research in overweight women have shown consuming eggs instead of bagels improved their feeling of satiation and caused them to eat less calories throughout the next 36 hours.

The same conclusion was drawn from a similar study in men that shows that egg breakfast substantially decreased their intake in calories in comparison with bagel breakfast for the next 24 hours. Those who took eggs also felt more satiated.

Calorie intake monitoring remains important, however. A research study in 2008 reported that the weight loss of overweight or obese in egg-based breakfast participants was increased, but was only part of  managed calorie in the diet.

Best ways to eat eggs for weight loss

The main thing is to include it in a balanced diet.

Eating eggs for breakfast appears to be the perfect option, since it can reduce the calories people consume every day.

Eggs are simple to cook and nutritious. People seem to like them:

Boiled - Boiling does not require any extra fat, that will make the product healthier. It is an unhealthy choice when people use mayonnaise eggs or blend them into mayonnaise-based salads.

A plain hard boiled, sliced egg is a healthy alternative to sandwich and salad meats for your protein. You would want a soft boiled yolk if you want a soft, jammy core where you can dip toast points. How long you cook it is the only difference between these styles.

Scrambled - This is one of the simplest ways to cook eggs. Only a pan and a little healthy oil are required. Furthermore, this form of cooking adapts well to supplements.

Baked - Yeah, eggs can be baked. These recipes are very hard to prepare since many require you to put the ingredients in a baking dish and slip them into a warm oven.


Poached - Poaching is more similar to boiling without the shells. Since their shells are not covered in the cooking process, you only need to dry the water and handle them carefully. For better results, use the freshest eggs available.

Poaching requires some skill, but the ability is not hard to master. When you get a taste of it, you could perhaps add poached eggs, salads and toast to the top of your vegetables.

How many eggs should a person eat?

You may have too many when adding eggs to a balanced diet. In terms of the amount of yolk cholesterol you use, the liver decreases the amount it produces, balancing out your blood levels when you eat a lot of cholesterol in your diet. Just about 30 % of individuals in a study had adverse reactions to dietary cholesterol that affect their blood cholesterol. However, most stable people will consume as many as 3 whole eggs daily without a shift that adversely affects their blood chemistry.

While your doctor will approve you to eat a normal egg-based meal, be cautious if you want to lose weight. When you are trying to shed pounds, calories are still crucial. For instance, if you usually eat a 400-calorie breakfast in a bagel or cereal and then turn to a 3-egg meal, your morning consumption could be reduced to 240 calories, i.e. three boiled eggs and be sure to cut calories all day and not just add more food.

Bottom Line

The eggs are rich in protein and other nutrients and are a low-calorie food. Eating eggs may help to lose weight , especially when they are included in a calorie-controlled diet.

Studies indicate that eggs increase metabolic activity and fullness. Eating an egg breakfast can prevent a person from eating additional calories for the whole day long.

Avoid preparing eggs by adding excess fat, for example, from butter or oils in order to support weight loss.

If you are at risk of cardiovascular, you should only eat whites and carefully monitor your intake of cholesterol.

When to stop exercising during pregnancy


Exercising regularly during pregnancy has many benefits ranging from making you healthy, improving body posture, reducing common pregnancy discomforts such as fatigue and backaches to preventing gestational diabetes, relieving stress, and building more stamina that is useful during delivery.

For beginners, one can start exercising safely by checking in with their health care provider whether exercising during your pregnancy is good for you.

How much exercise should I perform during pregnancy?

Exercising during pregnancy should at least be 5 times each week for 30 minutes or simply 150 minutes each week. These 30 minutes do not necessarily refer to 30 continuous minutes, one can break this into various intervals say 10 minutes per walk throughout the day.

Is exercising during pregnancy safe for you?

Despite the many benefits one can achieve by exercising during pregnancy, not everyone can be advised to exercise for instance those with medical conditions like heart disease, gestational diabetes, severe anemia, and asthma.

Exercise is also not recommended for those with various pregnancy conditions like;

ü  Weak cervix

ü  Recurrent miscarriage

ü  Low placenta

ü  Spotting/ bleeding

Other special cases where intense exercising during pregnancy is not recommended is when one is pregnant with twins or multiples with various risk factors that can promote preterm labor.

Visiting a health care provider before beginning your workout routine is the surest way to know if exercising during your pregnancy is safe for you. The doctor can also recommend a customized workout guideline that suits you.

Initiating an exercise program during pregnancy is dependent on one’s experience with exercise and their medical history.

Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

ü  Reducing the chances of gestational diabetes, hypertension, and the possibility of having obesity.

ü  Better emotional health and sleep patterns by enabling you to manage stress.

ü  Improved heart health

ü  Prepares your body for labor and delivery

ü  Minimizes the chances of cesarean birth (C-section)

ü  Reduce the cases of pregnancy discomforts e.g. leg swelling, back pain, etc.

ü  Accelerate recovery following delivery

What type of exercise is safe during pregnancy?

As long as you do not overdo exercises, most of them are safe can be performed with caution during pregnancy. Activities with low chances of falling, injury, and damage to the joints and the ligaments should be picked.

Brisk walking

Experts agree that walking is a perfect way to jump start your exercise routine during pregnancy since it does not strain muscles and joints. This kind of activity has many advantages such as;

ü  It’s free

ü  You can be joined by family members

ü  Suitable for anyone anywhere


Swimming or moving against water is great and safe for expectant women as it makes them forget the extra weight they carry as well as allowing motion without straining the joints.

Choosing a stroke that feels relaxed and doesn't strain or injure the neck, back muscles or shoulders is crucial. Breaststroke can be a good choice for that. The use of a kick-board will help to strengthen the muscles of the leg and the buttock.

Water aerobics makes cardiovascular fitness perfect. Such water sports are safe because body weight is supported by water without straining muscle.

Stationary cycling

This is a cardiovascular workout that aims at improving the muscles of the legs. Stationary cycling is safer for one expecting as balancing a bike can be a difficult task especially during the third trimester.

One of its benefits is its ability to improve the heart rate while joints and pelvis have minimum strain.

Weight training

Weight training plays a great role in the strengthening of the bones, building muscles, and building stamina required during labor.

Using weight machines and free weights for moderate resistance training during pregnancy do not have effects on mothers who were exercising before pregnancy.

Research studies have shown that those engaging in weight training exercise tend to have increased flexibility and strength which aid the body in adapting the physiological changes occurring pregnancy for instance, one can tolerate heavier body weight.

It’s worth noting that weight training which promotes lifting heavy weight is discouraged.


Pilates involves a sequence of movements and positions aimed at improving your strength and coordination by utilizing deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

The movements concentrate on the muscles, tummy, and back of your pelvic floor, all of which are key to good posture, strength, and balance that will not strain your body.

Doing Pilates regularly will help you in strengthening areas that usually cause problems during and after delivery, for instance;

ü  Strengthen muscle of your tummy

ü  Minimize back pain- Pilates strengthens your back and pelvis muscle thus reducing back pain.

ü  Improve your balance – as the baby bump grows one may lose balance as they walk but with regular Pilates, one can strengthen their core and finally stabilize whenever they walk.

ü  Strengthen pelvic floor

ü  Helps you relaxing and breathing – crucial for labor


Yoga is an activity that focuses on physical and mental well-being by using some of the body positions and respiratory exercises. Pregnancy yoga uses techniques of relaxation and breathing together with an appropriate position to reduce anxiety and improve your sleep.

Studies have proven that yoga has a positive effect on both pregnancy and the health of the baby.

Caution- Avoid holding the breath in a difficult position as it a clear indicator that you are exerting much pressure on yourself.

When to stop exercising during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy requires one to stay hydrated, pay keen attention to their body, and how one feels generally.

One is free to continue with the exercise program until the last minute where one does not have a complicated pregnancy.

As an expecting mother, you should stop exercising and seek medical attention once you start showing the following signs and symptoms;

ü  Muscle weakness or swelling in your lower legs- a sign of deep vein thrombosis.

ü  Headache

ü  Regular contractions or pain

ü  Shortness of breath – before exercising

ü  Vaginal bleeding

ü  Fatigue

ü  Reduced baby movements

ü  Chest pain

You don’t need to show these signs and symptoms for you to stop, sometimes it’s important to consider how comfortable you are with exercising. Monitor each activity and its impacts on your body and make the necessary adjustments.