7 Secrets to Boost your Metabolism

The Cornerstone of weight loss is a fast metabolism: the mystical, magical process by which we lose weight even while we sleep in. If we could just turn it up, now.

In principle, the best way to lose fat is through a "metabolism boost." Metabolism refers to the mechanism by which the body converts the calories you consume into energy — the things that drive everything you do, from growing the hair to breathing in air. The more quickly the calories are consumed, the less fat you accumulate without the need for a restrictive diet or rigorous exercise. Sounds terrific, right?

1. Take more of vitamin D supplements

If there is one nutrient most people are expected to take it is vitamin D. It is essential to preserve metabolism-revving muscle tissue, but researchers estimate that through their diet, a measly 20 percent of people are taking in enough. If in a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon you can nail 90 per cent of your recommended daily value (400 IU), a daily supplement makes a lot of sense.

2. Take more organic beef, dairy and Eggs

"The hormones determine how our body uses the energy we offer it," says Lisa Jubilee, a nutritionist. "Our bodies have to perform a tricky balancing act between our reproductive, thyroid and growth hormones, appetite, insulin and hunger hormones — leptin and ghrelin — to keep us healthy, energized and viable reproductive entities."

Due to the hormone residues we eat through cage-raised foods, certain tasks have become much more difficult. If you want to give your metabolism a leg up, says Jubilee, turn to organic cattle, grass-fed, pasture-raised cattle, eggs and dairy products, while avoiding those nasty hormones at mealtime. And if you want to change your diet, and lose some weight.

3. Convert your surrounding into a GYM


"Interval preparation" basically means that you alternate between intense work cycles and rest times. "This puts high metabolic demand on the body, burns tons of calories in a short time, creates a high calorie burn after exercise, and helps boost one's fitness level," explains Kathleen Trotter, personal trainer and Finding Your Fit author.

4. Watch your stress levels

According to studies published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, stress may actually cause the body to metabolize food more slowly To make it worse, when we're stressed out the food we crave appears to be fatty and full of sugar. Researchers suggest the combination of high-cal cravings with a stress-induced, snail-paced metabolic rate can lead to substantial weight gain. Fight the tension with humor to keep the metabolism going high. Research indicates that smiling and laughing allows the stress hormone levels to decrease.

5. Say no Napping

Studies has found that when people sleep during the day, they eat less calories and record their waking hours after the sun is gone down. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder examined 14 balanced adults for six days to arrive at this result. Study participants slept at night for two days and remained awake throughout the day, then they changed their habits to imitate night owl schedules.

While participants slept throughout the day, researchers found that they consumed 52 to 59 fewer calories than they did in the evening when catching their zzz's — probably because the routine messed with their circadian rhythm, the body's internal clock playing a major role in metabolism work. When you have no choice but to sleep throughout the day, try to cut your daily diet by 50-60 calories.

6. Take more Chili

Think of each bean as a weight-loss pill. One research found that people who ate 3⁄4 cup of beans a day weighed 6.6 pounds less than those who didn't eat even though the bean eaters consumed 199 calories more a day on average. The beauty is the ideal combination of protein and fibre

7. When you wake up, drink water

Drinking water shortly after waking is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to jolt your metabolism. Why? For what? During sleep, the metabolic activity of your body slowed, and it did not obtain any fluids unless you woke up in the middle of the night to swig some water. Most studies proposes that you rehydrate completely before stressing your body with any other food or drink.

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