Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Leaving Your House

We've all heard of the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle (even if you haven't, they include obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, even early death), but most of us also spend way too much time sitting down — and have the not-so-flat belly to prove it.
If our eating habits remain the same, there's a blood sugar excess that fills the bloodstream and leads to diabetes and other weight-related dangers. A sedentary lifestyle can be one of the factors that keep you off from your body goals, whether you're forced to sit for long periods of time because of your 9-to-5 or you're just flat-out lazy.

Although some of your behavior might be impeded by your career, TV habits, or school work, there are steps you can take to whittle your middle and preserve your health — even when pressing your tush into the cushion. You can also lose weight while sitting by adopting healthy habits that stimulate your metabolism, increase calorie burning and stave off overeating.

These tips will help you stick to your weight-loss goals, note that exercise always plays a part in maintaining good health, so make sure to incorporate a workout routine on top of your seated schedule.

  1. Nab a Caffeine booster

We know it's tempting to jerking down a diet soda to overcome that mid-afternoon slump — but don't! A research by the University of Texas Health Science Center showed that, relative to non-soda drinkers, adults who consumed diet soda reported a whopping 70 percent rise in weight circumference. Instead, grab some green tea, a low-cal cup of black coffee or, better yet.

Tea — including green teas — contains certain antioxidants known as catechins that improve oxidation of fat. Tea is so important for weight loss and good health that it became part of our bestselling new diet plan

2. Squeeze In Tiny Tone-Ups

Just because you're sitting down doesn't automatically mean you're sedentary. Throughout the day, light stretches will relax muscles while burning some extra calories. Seek to cross your arm over your body and bring it closer to your other arm, then turn. Shoot high into the sky, leaning on both sides.

You can also tone muscles in your leg when you rest. Squeeze a ball between the elbows, thighs or calves. Perform the toe taps in front-inside-outside, raise the knee, and lift the foot.

3. Sit up straight

The mind can have an effect on your body, but do you know your body can also influence your mind? You may not feel comfortable, but if you engage in such "strength poses" such as sitting up straight in your chair, psychologists such as Harvard professor, Amy Cuddy, agree that you will actually improve your mood, which can lower levels of cortisol, the stress-inducing and fat-storing hormone.

4. Try keeping fruits in your sight

Although holding fruit on hand is clever because you have smart snacking choices, there's another — more surprising — reason: studies have shown that smelling fresh fruit, such as apples, bananas, and pears, can curb appetite and make sugar desserts less attractive.

5. Drink water more

Water keeps you filled, so you can make better food choices all day long. You should drink at least half of your weight in ounces every day, and try drinking 16 fluid ounces before each meal (even before Joe's morning cup!). Soon you will see that the more water you drink, the greater the weight you will lose.

6. Squats

The uniqueness of squats is that you can do them anywhere whether you are in line at the grocery store or while brushing your teeth – so there isn't an excuse to find those extra 30 seconds. Squats are perfect for toning your thighs and boots and without any equipment you can do them.

7. Reverse Lunges

You may use reverse lungs to work the quads and glutes—30 seconds on each hip. How to do them: Stand erect, then step back with one leg; bend knees as low as possible. Drop your knee down to one inch off the ground or as low as you can and make sure that the knee at the front does not fall over your foot. Repeat the same for the other leg.

8. Squats Jacks

Squat Jacks are a healthy way to strengthen your legs and ass, as well as your inner and outer thighs, and in just 30 seconds have a serious cardio blast and calorie burn.

9. This is how to get it done.

Start with your feet slightly wider than hip-width in a squat position, and place your hands behind your head, the elbows wide. While holding a squat posture, keep your heart engaged, hop your feet in together. Jump your feet wide back to starting position quickly. Make sure to keep your knees completely behind your feet.

Bonus tipV-Ups

The perfect exercise for strengthening and toning the abs is to go for V-Ups.

This is how you can do it
Start lying with your legs straight on your back and your arms extended overhead. Commit your heart by pulling your bottom back to the table. Holding your legs and arms straight, raise your legs and torso up simultaneously and extend your hands toward your feet. Your body should form a "V." Lower to starting place gradually.

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