Hard Explanations why you are not losing weight

Your body fights back, when you lose weight.

At first, you could lose quite a lot of weight, without a lot of effort. Weight loss, however, can slow down after a while or stop altogether.
This article outlines common explanations as to why you are not to lose weight.

1.       You can lose without noticing it

If you think you are experiencing a plateau of weight loss, you probably shouldn't be concerned yet.

It is extremely normal that the scale does not budge at a time for a few days (or weeks). That does not mean you don't lose weight.

Body weight has a propensity to fluctuate by many pounds. It depends on the food you consume and hormones may also have a major effect on how much water the body retains
It's also possible to gain muscle while you lose weight. This is particularly common when you have just started exercising.

This is a good thing, because what you really want to lose is not just weight but body fat.
Use something other than the scale to gauge your improvement is a smart idea. Measure the waist circumference and the amount of body fat once a month, for example.

Also, it can be really revealing how well your clothes match, and how you look in the mirror.
If your weight has been stuck for more than 1–2 weeks at the same point, there's usually nothing you need to think about.

2.      You don't keep track of what you eat

If you are trying to lose weight, mindfulness is incredibly necessary. Many people have no idea as to how much they are really eating.

Studies show that keeping track of your diet aids in weight loss. Those who use food diaries or take photos of their meals regularly lose more weight than those who do not

3.      You eat too many calories

A significant number of people who find it difficult to lose weight actually consume too many calories.

You may think this does not apply to you, but bear in mind that studies consistently show that people continue to underestimate a large amount of their calorie intake.
If you don't lose weight, then you can try to weigh your food and count your calories for some time.

A handy resource:
Calorie calculator — Using this method to calculate how many calories you can consume.
Calorie counters — Here is a list of five free websites and software that will help you keep track of calorie intakes and nutrients.

Tracking is also important if you're trying to reach a certain nutrient target, including having 30 percent of your protein calories.

You don't necessarily need to count calories and weigh anything for the rest of your life. Instead, try out these techniques every few months for a few days to get an impression of how much you eat.

Related:  How to Lose Weight Safely and hold it off

4.      Most likely You 're not weight lifting

One of the most important things you can do when you lose weight is to do some sort of strength training, like weight-lifting.

This can help preserve muscle mass, which is often burned along with body fat if you don't exercise.

Lifting weights will also help avoid metabolic slowing and ensure the body stays muscular and toned.

Read Also: 7 Secrets to Boost your Metabolism

5.      You still drink sugar

Sugary drinks are the most fattening food products available. In making you eat less of those foods, the brain doesn't compensate for the calories in them.

This refers not only to sugar drinks such as Coke and Pepsi, but also to "healthier" beverages such as Vitaminwater, which are often filled with sugar.

Even fruit juices are troublesome, and shouldn't be consumed in huge amounts. Avoiding all the sugary drinks is an ideal method for weight loss. These also represent a large portion of the calorie intake of humans.

6.      You 're not getting enough sleep

Better sleep is one of the most important factors for both your physical and mental health and your weight.

Studies show poor sleep is one of the main single risk factors for obesity. Adults and children with poor sleep are at 55% and 89% more likely to become obese, respectively.

7.       Drinking water is still your problem

Drinking water can be helpful for weight loss.

In a study, People who drank half a liter (17 ounces) of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44 percent more weight in a 12-week weight loss trial than those who did not.

Drinking water has also been shown to increase the amount of calories burned over a span of 1,5 hours by 24–30 per cent.

Drink a glass of water before meals, to decrease your calorie intake. Drinking water will also increase the amount of calories you 're burning.

8.      You 're Fast Food addict

Those who have this problem use fast food in a similar way to drug addiction.

If you're addicted to fast food, it can just seem difficult to eat less or change your diet.

When you have heavy food cravings or food addiction it can be very difficult to lose weight. Think about seeking professional help.

       9. You are unreasonable in your aspirations

Weight loss is a slow operation, in general. Most people are losing faith until their end target is achieved.

While weight loss can often be quickly accomplished in the beginning, very few people can manage to lose weight at a pace of more than 1–2 pounds per week.

Another major issue is that many people have unrealistic perceptions of what a balanced diet and exercise can achieve.

The reality is not everybody will look like a bodybuilder or a fitness model. The images you see are also enhanced in magazines and in other media.

If you've already lost some weight and feel good about yourself, but the scale doesn't seem to want to go any more, then you may have to start trying to embrace your body the way it is.
Your weight will somewhere hit a safe set point where your body feels relaxed. Trying to go beyond that might not be worth the effort, and you might even be unable to.

People's perceptions for weight loss are often unreasonable. Keep in mind that it takes time to lose weight and not everyone will look like a fitness model.


Weight loss isn't always easy and it can be brought to a standstill by several factors.
Weight loss failure occurs at the most fundamental level when calorie consumption is equal to or greater than calorie outlay.

In the end, it takes determination, self-discipline, perseverance and endurance to improve your weight and lifestyle.

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